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 Free Extensions for Bootstrap Developers

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Free Extensions for Bootstrap Developers

Bootstrap is the most popular front-end development framework that can help you create wonders on the web with little effort. The best thing about Bootstrap is that you can customize and extend the framework to suit your needs very easily. Another thing that I like about Bootstrap is that there is no shortage of resources when it comes to using Bootstrap. And there are a lot of free and responsive resources that you can find online. So when you need to extend the functionalities of Bootstrap you don’t have to go looking very far.

Some of the frequently used free Bootstrap plugins are listed below.

Carousel Plugins

Owl Carousel

Owl Carousel is a fully customizable free carousel plugin with touch-and-drag support. The plugin is fully responsive and compatible with most modern browsers. The plugin is well-documented that can guide you through installation, implementation, and development. The demo of the plugin shows many different types of carousels that can be implemented using Owl Carousel.

Owl carousel is compatible with Bootstrap 4.

The features of the carousel include infinity loop, ability to make all options responsive, RTL support, YouTube/Vimeo/vzaar support among many others.

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Bootstrap Confirmation

This plugin helps you create a confirmation message in a popover rather than in a dialog box to confirm a task. Using this plugin you can create confirmation popup in four directions when clicked upon the action button.

The plugin is fully responsive and has a good documentation to help you use the plugin seamlessly in your project.

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Bootstrap Maxlength

This free plugin helps you limit the number of characters input into the text box. The text input area will show a warning when reached the threshold value of input characters. After the threshold value is reached, the text box will not take any inputs. The threshold can be changed according to our needs by changing the value of the threshold variable.

The plugin is completely responsive and is adaptable to screens of any size.

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Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete

Bootstrap Tag Autocomplete is a free plugin that helps you create autocomplete tags like the ones on Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. A drop-down will appear with the list of people in the contacts after typing ‘@’. You can tag one or more persons in the text-box following the ‘@’.

You can also check out the best Facebook ads spy tools here.

The plugin is customizable to match your requirements. You can go through the plugin documents to help you set up the plugin.

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Bootstrap Slider

This free plugin helps you add simple sliders to your website. If you need really simple sliders for your interface, then this is the plugin to go for. The plugin documentation shows you more than 20 sliders that you can implement using this plugin. The examples include a vertical slider, slider with tooltips, disabled slider, sliders with different color and styles, single and double slider, their different combinations and more.

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Ion range

Ion range slider is a fully responsive, easily customizable slider plugin that you can download for free. The plugin is cross-browser compatible. The slider has many features that you can ask for in a free plugin including support for events and public methods, support for negative and fractional values, two slider types, postfixes and prefixes for numbers etc.

Ion slider comes in 5 different skins built in. They are Flat UI skin, modern skin, HTML5 skin, and simple dark skin. The documentation of the template details everything that you need to know about the plugin and helps you install and set up the plugin in your project.

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noUIslider is the one to go for if you are looking for simplicity. Even though the plugin is simple and minimal, it boasts a lot of features. The plugin is fully customizable, responsive to work effortlessly with a wide range of devices and cross-browser compatible. The plugin has touch support for iOS, Android and Windows phone. The slider has a draggable range and has no jQuery dependencies.

The browsers supported by the plugin include IE9+, and the latest versions of Edge, Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera. You can download the plugin completely free and the plugin documentation will guide you through every step of using the plugin.

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Form validation

jqBootstrap Validation

jqBootstrap Validation helps you validate the form elements with simplicity and ease. All you need to do is download the plugin and include the scripts in your HTML document to validate the form elements on your page and then apply the jqBootstrap Validation plugin to the elements the validation is required.

With jqBootstrap Validation you can validate email, number, required field, max-length, min-length, patterns and more.

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Form Validation

Form Validation is yet another form validation plugin for Bootstrap 3 and 4. The plugin has a solution for every situation. The plugin has 51 validators that are listed on the plugin website.

It is user-friendly and compatible with most other plugins and works without any issues. The documentation is extensive and explains each case of validation with example and demos.

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Date Picker

Bootstrap DatePicker

Date pickers are one of the most commonly used plugins. This plugin helps you to easily input date values in text areas in many different formats. All you need to do is download the plugin and the plugin documentation will help you through implementing and using the plugin.

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Bootstrap 3 DatePicker

Using this plugin you can input dates in different formats easily. A demo for all the examples is given on the website. You can download the plugin completely for free and in case of any issue, the documentation provides a comprehensive solution.

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Calendar Plugin

Full Calendar

This is one of the most popular plugins for implementing a calendar in web applications. You can add different events to the calendar and then display the calendar on your web page. You can choose from the different formats to display the dates and events associated with them.

The documentation of the template will help you set up the calendar in your web application and help customize the plugin in any way you want.

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CLNDR is a free calendar plugin that is easy to use and easy to manage. CLNDR is a simple calendar that allows you to view your calendar events in a simple and interactive way. CLNDR is a very user-friendly calendar plugin for your web application.

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File Upload

jQuery File Upload

jQuery File upload has five different versions to choose from. They include Basic, Basic Plus, Basic Plus UI, AngularJS, jQuery UI. These different versions have different features. For example, with basic to be able to upload multiple files and the upload process is indicated by a progress bar. For the Basic Plus version, you can upload multiple versions, have progress indicated by a progress bar, preview images before uploading etc.

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Bootstrap file input is compatible with both Bootstrap 3 and Bootstrap 4. The features of the plugin include multiple file upload, file preview of different types of files, dragging and dropping files, a progress bar indicating the progress of the upload, adding or deleting files, and more. The plugin is a very simple plugin that offers support to upload different file types including images, text, HTML, video, audio, flash and objects.

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Dropzone is an open source plugin that lets you upload files by dragging and dropping files into the drop zone. The plugin shows the preview of the file uploaded in the drop zone. Dropzone is a simple, lightweight and a highly customizable drag-and-drop plugin.

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Star Rating

Bootstrap Star Rating

Star ratings are always a useful and interactive way of getting user feedback. The users also, in turn, rely on the ratings to help them make a decision on the web.

A simple star rating plugin that holds a lot of features within it. You can implement different types of star ratings with inputs as whole numbers and fractional numbers. The star input is also reflected on the badge. The plugin can be easily customized to suit your needs.

The plugin website has all the demos of what you can accomplish with the plugin and the documentation will help you how to achieve them.

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Paginations are useful when the results of a search or list of blogs span more than one page. rPage is a useful plugin, compatible with Bootstrap 3 that allows you to easily create paginations of a different kind for your web page or web application. The plugin is a responsive plugin so that you can use them with any devices.

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jQuery Pagination Plugin

Yet another powerful pagination plugin that is absolutely free to use. The plugin is simple, easy to use and customize. The pagination includes direct jumps to the first page and the last page along with links to the previous and last pages.

pagination plugin

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There are a lot more amazing free plugins compatible with Bootstrap that will help you create a fully functional web application. We will be adding more to this list of free plugins soon.




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