Laravel is one of the most popular PHP frameworks available. This framework features Blade, a state-of-the-art template engine, which can be used to build HTML based templates with ease. The templates created with the Blade are located inside resources/views directory.
Laravel allows developers to use Bootstrap templates within PHP by caching them as blade views. The wide variety of design options offered by Bootstrap is sure to impress both you and your users. Integrating laravel Bootstrap templates is a fairly simple process and here’s how you can do it.
Download a Bootstrap Admin Template
The first thing to do is to find a Bootstrap template that suits your requirements and download it. Once you have finished downloading the template; extract the icons, JavaScript, and CSS files and insert them inside the Laravel application. I have used Star Admin template because it is an easy-to-use and incredibly flexible template that contains all necessary elements for building stunning web applications. Now, go to the public folder, create a new theme folder, and then copy all files into the theme directory.
Layout File Creation
Before you start creating a layout file, take a close look at the template page’s code. You will be able to identify that the code has been separated into different parts.
Create two new folders within the resources/view folder. The first file, which should be named as layout, will include the main layout of code along with other crucial layout files. Now, name the second folder as partials, where you can find footer and header files of the code. Move to the layout and create a mainlayout.blade.php. file with the following code.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> @include('layout.partials.head') </head> <body> <div class="container-scroller"> @include('layout.partials.nav') <div class="container-fluid page-body-wrapper"> @include('layout.partials.sidebar') <div class="main-panel"> @yield('content-wrapper') <!-- content-wrapper ends --> @include('layout.partials.footer') </div> <!-- main-panel ends --> </div> <!-- page-body-wrapper ends --> </div> <!-- container-scroller --> @include('layout.partials.footer-scripts') </body> </html>
The above-mentioned code will generate a layout file with all specified file contents within the HTML file.
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The next step is to test the Bootstrap-Laravel integration. You will need to add a view file to initiate the testing process. Now, go to the views folder and create another folder, titled dashboard.blade.php. The otherpage.blade.php file should contain the following code.
You can also check out Laravel Vs. Symfony: Comparing Two Popular PHP Frameworks here.
@extends('layout.mainlayout') @section(‘css’) <!-- Layout styles --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/demo_1/style.css"> <!-- End Layout styles → @endsection @section(‘script’) <script src="../assets/js/demo_1/dashboard.js"></script> endsection @section('content-wrapper') <!-- Dashboard code here -- > <b style="font-size: 14.4px;" data-mce-style="font-size: 14.4px;"> @endsection
Routes Creation
Once you have created the view folder, you will need to find a way to access it. This is where a routes folder comes into play. For creating a routes folder, you will need to open routes/web.php and use the following code.
Route::get('/dashboard', function () { return view('dashboard'); }); Route::get('/widgets', function () { return view('widgets'); });
Use staging URL to run your app, where you can see the Bootstrap template integrated with the web application.
Here is a simple way through which you can easily integrate Bootstrap templates with Laravel. We hope that the above guide will help you to integrate Bootstrap templates with the Laravel without any issues.
Also Recommended: Check out our complete collection of laravel admin templates we have created.