A well-designed and powerful admin panel that can be customized easily is critical for all web development projects. Designing such an effective but easy to customize admin panel right from the scratch can be time-consuming and quite hard. Fortunately, there is an abundant number of Bootstrap admin templates out there, which will help you design powerful admin panels.
Most of these templates are fully responsive and compatible with most modern internet browsers. These two attributes will guarantee that your web app or website will look excellent across different browsers and devices. Moreover, there are plenty of features and tools available with these templates that will help you to make necessary customizations.
Star Admin
The multipurpose Bootstrap admin template, Star Admin features a unique and simple design. The template offers a wide variety of elements and layout options, which will help you when it comes to customization.
The Star Admin website admin template also has a fine selection of widgets, tables, icons, and charts. In addition, you can also find several types of user pages with the admin template. A pro version of Star Admin is also available.
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Stellar, which is designed based on the Bootstrap 4 framework comes with a wide array of layouts and other options. The template even has a fine selection of icons, UI elements, tables, and charts.
You can represent data in a simplified and clean way by using the tables in the Stellar admin template. In fact, there is a hoverable table, basic table, striped table, bordered table, inverse table, and a table with contextual classes.
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Purple is another free website admin template that boats a minimal and clean look. The template contains plenty of components, which are neatly and elegantly arranged. It contains several forms, tables, charts, and other components.
The Purple admin template has multiple numbers of sample pages that include 404, 500, Register, Blank, and Login pages. The simple design and striking color palette of Purple are also worth mentioning.
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The powerful Material admin templates are designed based on the Material Framework of the search engine giant, Google. The template has a simple and user-friendly interface with plenty of essential elements and components.
The template also contains plenty of charts and tables for data representation and organization. Everything that you need to build a powerful web app is available with Material.
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Royal is a classy-looking free admin template that features an excellent collection of UI elements and page layouts. The template also has a user-friendly interface, which will help you to speed up your web development project.
The template also has plenty of components that are arranged in a simple but clean way. These templates can also be customized easily as per user preference.
Kapella is a good-looking Bootstrap admin template that has a striking color scheme. Kapella is rich in features and elements. In fact, all essential tools that are required to build a powerful web application is available with Kapella.
Kapella also has five separate well-designed sample pages including pages for Login, Register, and Lockscreen. The template also has detailed documentation.
Regal is a multipurpose and versatile free admin template that can be used for different web design and web development project. The template has a wide variety of page layouts that will help you add a unique touch to your web application.
The minimalistic design and simple user interface of the Regal Bootstrap admin template are sure to impress your customers. It also contains multiple numbers of icons, form elements, tables, and charts.
Majestic is a well-designed free admin template that has an easy to comprehend code and detailed documentation. The fantastic color scheme and neatly organized components of Majestic will make your web app look great to others.
It is an excellent choice if you are looking for a free Bootstrap template that can be used to build CMS, admin panel, and other web apps. The template also has several charts and tables for data representation and organization.
Nice Admin Lite
One of the most vibrant bootstrap 4 free admin templates is Nice Admin Lite that you can consider using it for your projects. It is based on the Bootstrap 4 framework, SaSS Base CSS, modular and modern design to give an appealing look to your admin panel.
When you download it for free you get a 7+ pages template, 1 basic dashboard, profile page, stunning font icons, Google Map integration and above all easy customization options. This particular template has fully responsive pages and is best for giving an elegant touch. With this admin bootstrap 4 dashboards, you also get access to many other essential components and features readily available. For all your commercial purposes, you can consider the pro version of this template on WrapPixel’s website.
CoreUI is another popular free admin template with a classy but simple design. The template comes with an easy to comprehend code, which will help you to easily design and customize web applications.
The template also features an impressive collection of UI elements, tables, charts, and other components. In fact, it also comes with several page layouts.
The different types of widgets, dashboards, and page styles offered by AdminLTE makes it worth checking out. The template offers several widgets, layout options, charts, tables, and forms.
The components within the admin template are designed neatly and they are also properly arranged. The simple and beautiful color palette of AdminLTE will impress you and your customers.